Tag Archives: mental health

Uh Oh, Here Comes Another Flatfooted Fix

It seems that the latest fix in the search to repair the broken mental health in the U.S. is to dial the primary care physicians into the equation. The thinking is that they are “first responders” and can flag issues, … Continue reading

Posted in Mental Health - Commentary and Recovery, Uncategorized

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me. What a lie. A whistling in the dark, wishful thinking, lalalalala with my fingers in my ears bold-faced lie. Who among us has not been hurt by … Continue reading

Posted in Mental Health - Commentary and Recovery

Lynn’s TEDx Emory Talk – April 20, 2013

I have had mental health issues for most of my life and have been “in therapy” for 30 years. I checked myself into three different mental institutions between 2000 and 2010. In those 30 years, I heard a lot of … Continue reading

Posted in Mental Health - Commentary and Recovery, Uncategorized


I wrote a post sometime around March 22, 2013 and posted it, feeling good about my stinging rhetoric advocating against a particular group with whose position I disagree.  A week later, I decided on stigma about mental health as my … Continue reading

Posted in Mental Health - Commentary and Recovery

A Special Word for Teens and Their Families

Nobody talked about depression being a problem for teens when I was a teenager. I recently found out that a girl in my high school class tried to commit suicide during our Junior year. At age 59, it was the first I’d … Continue reading

Posted in Mental Health - Commentary and Recovery